BO2 Tournaments



We’re holding Black OPs 2 Tourney’s every week, once it becomes backwards compatible on XBOX ONE join in on the fun and prizes.


About Dynamic

Dynamic BoSS started playing XBOX360 in 2005 and was one of the first players to recommend the Kinect Technology to Microsoft Technologies 3 years in advance before its release. Due to a change of preference in gaming because of the slow technical build of the console gaming industry, Dynamic BoSS switched over to PC gaming which was rather enjoyable after a long day of work (qoute) but the social aspect of the game was missing, hence Dynamic BoSS rejoined XBOX 360 in 2011 and 1 year later BoSSGamingNetwork was created as a result. Implementing PC and Consoles together. UPDATE: Now I am a big fan of VR 😁✌

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